
Testing, Security, Education = How Open Mainframe Project Makes an Impact


Stream: Open Mainframe Project
Time: 11:15 - 12:00


If you deploy and maintain applications with the efficiency that DevOps offers, you need to make mainframes and open source part of your workflow. The open source movement has rapidly become the way code is being developed for today's smart and agile businesses. This session will cover how an “open mainframe” is the perfect solution for deploying open source on an enterprise computing platform.

Open Mainframe Project is home to 18 open source initiatives like Zowe, Galasa, COBOL Check and working groups for Mainframe Modernization and Linux Distributions that aim to help overcome the the barriers between mainframes and other infrastructure to make DevOps easier and more efficient. This session will offer a quick glimpse of the challenges each project solves and how to get involved.


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  • John Mertic at Linux Foundation/OMP
  • John Mertic is a Program Director at the Linux Foundation. Under his leadership, he has helped Academy Software Foundation, LF AI & Data, LF Energy, ODPi, Open Mainframe Project, and R Consortium accelerate open source innovation and transform industries. John has an open source career spanning two decades, both as a contributor to projects such as SugarCRM and PHP, and in open source leadership roles at SugarCRM, OW2, and OpenSocial. With an extensive open source background, he is a regular speaker at various Linux Foundation and other industry trade shows globally. John is also an avid writer and has authored three books: “Open Source Projects - Beyond Code: A blueprint for scalable and sustainable open source projects”, “The Definitive Guide to SugarCRM: Better Business Applications” and “Building on SugarCRM” as well as published articles in numerous technology and open source publications. 




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