
John Mertic

Linux Foundation/OMP

John Mertic is a Program Director at the Linux Foundation. Under his leadership, he has helped Academy Software Foundation, LF AI & Data, LF Energy, ODPi, Open Mainframe Project, and R Consortium accelerate open source innovation and transform industries. John has an open source career spanning two decades, both as a contributor to projects such as SugarCRM and PHP, and in open source leadership roles at SugarCRM, OW2, and OpenSocial. With an extensive open source background, he is a regular speaker at various Linux Foundation and other industry trade shows globally. John is also an avid writer and has authored three books: “Open Source Projects - Beyond Code: A blueprint for scalable and sustainable open source projects”, “The Definitive Guide to SugarCRM: Better Business Applications” and “Building on SugarCRM” as well as published articles in numerous technology and open source publications. 



Twitter: jmertic

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