
Red Hat OpenShift multi-architecture compute


Stream: MQ & AppDev II
Time: 16:30 - 17:15


One of the strengths of Red Hat OpenShift is that it can run across a number of hardware architectures, including IBM Z and LinuxONE.
With OpenShift 4.15, we now have the ability to mix architectures in the complete layer -- we can have x86 and IBM Z compute nodes in the same cluster.
This introduces some powerful capabilities for managing cross-platform applications with ease.

Your speakers are experienced practitioners in OpenShift on IBM Z and LinuxONE, and are leading the charge in promoting multi-architecture-compute.
They will present how multi-architecture-compute can be deployed, and provide scenarios for simplifying application deployment and management. There may also be a demo!


There is currently no attachment for Red Hat OpenShift multi-architecture compute


  • Vic Cross at IBM
  • Vic Cross works as a Senior Technical Specialist in the IBM zAcceleration Team, a worldwide team focussed on helping IBM clients take advantage of modern technologies, such as OpenShift and Cloud Paks, on IBM zSystems. He has over 25 years’ experience in IBM zSystems, most of which has been working with Linux and z/VM. His IBM career spans almost 20 years in Systems, Lab Services, and Strategic Outsourcing. Vic’s mainframe career started as an SNA networking specialist implementing VTAM and NCP. He is the author of several IBM Redbooks publications, spanning the length of IBM’s support of Linux on zSystems. Vic holds a Bachelor of Applied Science (Computing) from the Queensland University of Technology, and lives in Redland (near Brisbane) in Australia.


  • Vic Cross at IBM
  • Vic Cross works as a Senior Technical Specialist in the IBM zAcceleration Team, a worldwide team focussed on helping IBM clients take advantage of modern technologies, such as OpenShift and Cloud Paks, on IBM zSystems. He has over 25 years’ experience in IBM zSystems, most of which has been working with Linux and z/VM. His IBM career spans almost 20 years in Systems, Lab Services, and Strategic Outsourcing. Vic’s mainframe career started as an SNA networking specialist implementing VTAM and NCP. He is the author of several IBM Redbooks publications, spanning the length of IBM’s support of Linux on zSystems. Vic holds a Bachelor of Applied Science (Computing) from the Queensland University of Technology, and lives in Redland (near Brisbane) in Australia.


  • Vic Cross at IBM
  • Vic Cross works as a Senior Technical Specialist in the IBM zAcceleration Team, a worldwide team focussed on helping IBM clients take advantage of modern technologies, such as OpenShift and Cloud Paks, on IBM zSystems. He has over 25 years’ experience in IBM zSystems, most of which has been working with Linux and z/VM. His IBM career spans almost 20 years in Systems, Lab Services, and Strategic Outsourcing. Vic’s mainframe career started as an SNA networking specialist implementing VTAM and NCP. He is the author of several IBM Redbooks publications, spanning the length of IBM’s support of Linux on zSystems. Vic holds a Bachelor of Applied Science (Computing) from the Queensland University of Technology, and lives in Redland (near Brisbane) in Australia.



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