
Have you wondered "Whatever happened to TADz?" - IZSAM happened.


Stream: Service Management II & Networks
Time: 16:30 - 17:15


If your career has involved being a systems programmer, operations manager, or software asset manager you may have been a user of Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS or TADz. TADz was a unique product available from IBM that provided reports enabling you to identify the software products on the z/OS systems in your enterprise, who is using those products and their usage trends. The TADz product is no longer available so you might wonder why that’s the case for a product which provided unique and valuable insights into your z/OS software portfolio.
Well, TADz hasn’t disappeared, it has evolved into IBM z Software Asset Manager or IZSAM. The last release of TADz was V8.1 which became available in February 2013. Not much happened to enhance TADz in the years that followed. However, with responsibility for development moving from IBM to HCL Software, TADz got a new lease on life and a new acronym. In December 2020 IZSAM V8.2 was released providing new features to help manage your z/OS software portfolio. In August 2023 IZSAM V8.3 delivered further enhancements.
In this session you will learn about the enhancements delivered with IZSAM and how they can potentially help:
- Optimize software license costs.
- Avoid software license compliance violations.
- Reduce the administration needed to prove license compliance.
- Justify license and support costs to management.
- Better manage software upgrades and avoid unexpected disruptions.


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  • Peter Van Dyke at HCL Technologies
  • Peter has built extensive technical knowledge in the IBM Z platform through a career spanning  more than40 years working in the IBM mainframe environment. He spent 28 years as a senior software engineer and architect at IBM, developing and supporting many software products for the IBM Z environment. Peter undertook leading roles in designing and developing many of these products including Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF), File Manager, Fault Analyzer, z/OS Debugger, Language Environment and COBOL compilers. Peter has played a key role in helping IBM customers with implementation and migration to IBM Z systems DevOps products. He also provides services to customers implementing IBM Z Software Asset Management (IZSAM). Current Assignment:  Senior Solution Architect for zSystems Lab Services at HCL Technologies


  • Peter Van Dyke at HCL Technologies
  • Peter has built extensive technical knowledge in the IBM Z platform through a career spanning  more than40 years working in the IBM mainframe environment. He spent 28 years as a senior software engineer and architect at IBM, developing and supporting many software products for the IBM Z environment. Peter undertook leading roles in designing and developing many of these products including Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF), File Manager, Fault Analyzer, z/OS Debugger, Language Environment and COBOL compilers. Peter has played a key role in helping IBM customers with implementation and migration to IBM Z systems DevOps products. He also provides services to customers implementing IBM Z Software Asset Management (IZSAM). Current Assignment:  Senior Solution Architect for zSystems Lab Services at HCL Technologies


  • Peter Van Dyke at HCL Technologies
  • Peter has built extensive technical knowledge in the IBM Z platform through a career spanning  more than40 years working in the IBM mainframe environment. He spent 28 years as a senior software engineer and architect at IBM, developing and supporting many software products for the IBM Z environment. Peter undertook leading roles in designing and developing many of these products including Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF), File Manager, Fault Analyzer, z/OS Debugger, Language Environment and COBOL compilers. Peter has played a key role in helping IBM customers with implementation and migration to IBM Z systems DevOps products. He also provides services to customers implementing IBM Z Software Asset Management (IZSAM). Current Assignment:  Senior Solution Architect for zSystems Lab Services at HCL Technologies



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