Stream: Service Management II & Networks
Time: 16:30 - 17:15
If your career has involved being a systems programmer, operations manager, or software asset manager you may have been a user of Tivoli Asset Discovery for z/OS or TADz. TADz was a unique product available from IBM that provided reports enabling you to identify the software products on the z/OS systems in your enterprise, who is using those products and their usage trends. The TADz product is no longer available so you might wonder why that’s the case for a product which provided unique and valuable insights into your z/OS software portfolio. |
There is currently no attachment for Have you wondered "Whatever happened to TADz?" - IZSAM happened.
Peter has built extensive technical knowledge in the IBM Z platform through a career spanning more than40 years working in the IBM mainframe environment. He spent 28 years as a senior software engineer and architect at IBM, developing and supporting many software products for the IBM Z environment. Peter undertook leading roles in designing and developing many of these products including Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF), File Manager, Fault Analyzer, z/OS Debugger, Language Environment and COBOL compilers. Peter has played a key role in helping IBM customers with implementation and migration to IBM Z systems DevOps products. He also provides services to customers implementing IBM Z Software Asset Management (IZSAM). Current Assignment: Senior Solution Architect for zSystems Lab Services at HCL Technologies
Peter has built extensive technical knowledge in the IBM Z platform through a career spanning more than40 years working in the IBM mainframe environment. He spent 28 years as a senior software engineer and architect at IBM, developing and supporting many software products for the IBM Z environment. Peter undertook leading roles in designing and developing many of these products including Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF), File Manager, Fault Analyzer, z/OS Debugger, Language Environment and COBOL compilers. Peter has played a key role in helping IBM customers with implementation and migration to IBM Z systems DevOps products. He also provides services to customers implementing IBM Z Software Asset Management (IZSAM). Current Assignment: Senior Solution Architect for zSystems Lab Services at HCL Technologies
Peter has built extensive technical knowledge in the IBM Z platform through a career spanning more than40 years working in the IBM mainframe environment. He spent 28 years as a senior software engineer and architect at IBM, developing and supporting many software products for the IBM Z environment. Peter undertook leading roles in designing and developing many of these products including Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF), File Manager, Fault Analyzer, z/OS Debugger, Language Environment and COBOL compilers. Peter has played a key role in helping IBM customers with implementation and migration to IBM Z systems DevOps products. He also provides services to customers implementing IBM Z Software Asset Management (IZSAM). Current Assignment: Senior Solution Architect for zSystems Lab Services at HCL Technologies
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