Stream: Service Management
Time: 12:15 - 13:00
Your customers can come up with some pretty complex scheduling criteria. Sometimes they sound easy until you try to code them, sometimes they sound impossible, but can be deceptively easy to do.
This session will look at a customer need I received recently – their request was – can these be automated in IzWS so I do not have to build 26 separate calendars by hand every year.
We will take a look at those criteria, how I analysed them and what features I used to code them so that only holidays needed to be coded in one place, once each year.
There is currently no attachment for Scheduling the Impossible
Anna started working in IT Operations for a large bank in 1975, supporting their OPC (aka TWSz or, now, IWSz ) environment from 1985. Since joining IBM in 1997 she has supported many users as they moved from other batch schedulers to IWSz and provides exploitation consultancy, health checks and any other IWSz consultancy required. At home she is an unpaid babysitter (and taxi service) for her 2 grandchildren.
Anna started working in IT Operations for a large bank in 1975, supporting their OPC (aka TWSz or, now, IWSz ) environment from 1985. Since joining IBM in 1997 she has supported many users as they moved from other batch schedulers to IWSz and provides exploitation consultancy, health checks and any other IWSz consultancy required. At home she is an unpaid babysitter (and taxi service) for her 2 grandchildren.
Anna started working in IT Operations for a large bank in 1975, supporting their OPC (aka TWSz or, now, IWSz ) environment from 1985. Since joining IBM in 1997 she has supported many users as they moved from other batch schedulers to IWSz and provides exploitation consultancy, health checks and any other IWSz consultancy required. At home she is an unpaid babysitter (and taxi service) for her 2 grandchildren.
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