Stream: zP&C
Time: 15:00 - 15:45
The speaker, an STSM in IBM Z Performance and Microprocessor Development, will discuss v4 (newly updated for z16) of The IBM Z Processor Optimization Primer document now available online. The platform's processor subsystems are described with focus on the core microarchitectures from z196 to z16. High level insights with information and potential methods to optimize for code performance will also be provided. Put on your propeller hat and come join us for a truly fascinating session.
There is currently no attachment for (Primer to) The IBM Z Processor Optimization Primer
David has been a part of IBM Z’s Microprocessor and Nest Performance teams, and Microprocessor Design and Verification teams with Poughkeepsie Engineering for ~25 years. In his current role he is a client-facing lab representative for system performance inquiries and critical situations worldwide and co-develops the Large Systems Performance Reference (LSPR) and the MIPS and MSUs ratings. He has led and co-developed five generations of IBM Z core performance models that have helped to shape the hardware designs and supply projection data to brand and marketing. He is an IBM Master Inventor and a co-author of roughly 30 patents.
David has been a part of IBM Z’s Microprocessor and Nest Performance teams, and Microprocessor Design and Verification teams with Poughkeepsie Engineering for ~25 years. In his current role he is a client-facing lab representative for system performance inquiries and critical situations worldwide and co-develops the Large Systems Performance Reference (LSPR) and the MIPS and MSUs ratings. He has led and co-developed five generations of IBM Z core performance models that have helped to shape the hardware designs and supply projection data to brand and marketing. He is an IBM Master Inventor and a co-author of roughly 30 patents.
David has been a part of IBM Z’s Microprocessor and Nest Performance teams, and Microprocessor Design and Verification teams with Poughkeepsie Engineering for ~25 years. In his current role he is a client-facing lab representative for system performance inquiries and critical situations worldwide and co-develops the Large Systems Performance Reference (LSPR) and the MIPS and MSUs ratings. He has led and co-developed five generations of IBM Z core performance models that have helped to shape the hardware designs and supply projection data to brand and marketing. He is an IBM Master Inventor and a co-author of roughly 30 patents.
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