Stream: Virtual Room 4
Time: 10:30 - 11:30
The most obvious answer to effective testing is to make sure each unit test is performed correctly.
In the landscape of enterprise systems compromised of cloud providers, z/OS, and many middleware, integration, and development programs, it becomes a complex web that can seem impossible to connect and test all together.
There is an answer, and that involves understanding applications, what areas could easily have integration tests stitched together, and how to implement testing as a service within your organisation.
This session will cover the technical details to understand more about application integration testing, how Galasa, an open-source project, could be implemented at scale and worked examples of integration testing to help make it easier to scale testing at your organisation.
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Will Yates is a thought leader for modernisation and testing on the IBM Z Platform. His has in depth knowledge of CICS Modernisation and how to apply DevOps concepts to applications running on IBM Z has led him to speak at user conferences worldwide, publish a set of books, Redpapers and online video courses. He is the leader of the Galasa open source project, leading external clients to build automated tests for their hybrid cloud applications. He has also received several issued patents and is an accomplished close-up magician.
Will Yates is a thought leader for modernisation and testing on the IBM Z Platform. His has in depth knowledge of CICS Modernisation and how to apply DevOps concepts to applications running on IBM Z has led him to speak at user conferences worldwide, publish a set of books, Redpapers and online video courses. He is the leader of the Galasa open source project, leading external clients to build automated tests for their hybrid cloud applications. He has also received several issued patents and is an accomplished close-up magician.
Will Yates is a thought leader for modernisation and testing on the IBM Z Platform. His has in depth knowledge of CICS Modernisation and how to apply DevOps concepts to applications running on IBM Z has led him to speak at user conferences worldwide, publish a set of books, Redpapers and online video courses. He is the leader of the Galasa open source project, leading external clients to build automated tests for their hybrid cloud applications. He has also received several issued patents and is an accomplished close-up magician.
Will Yates is a thought leader for modernisation and testing on the IBM Z Platform. His has in depth knowledge of CICS Modernisation and how to apply DevOps concepts to applications running on IBM Z has led him to speak at user conferences worldwide, publish a set of books, Redpapers and online video courses. He is the leader of the Galasa open source project, leading external clients to build automated tests for their hybrid cloud applications. He has also received several issued patents and is an accomplished close-up magician.
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