
Building integrated experiences for ZXP and OMPCOBOL with ZOSMF and SMAPI


Stream: Virtual Room 9
Time: 10:30 - 11:30


Since Master the Mainframe relaunched as IBM Z XPlore, we have been making extensive use of ZOSMF to manage membership access to zOS, handle challenge validations, and dynamically manage disk space.

In addition, the Open Mainframe Project COBOL learning system relies on a ZOSMF-connected chatbot to manage account access.

All users interact with zOS using the VSCode Z Open Editor extension, which is heavily dependent on ZOSMF services

With the recent launch of zVM support in the ZXP platform, we now also incorporate SMAPI services to provision and manage CMS accounts, and integrate challenge completions.

In this talk you will see how ZOSMF and SMAPI make it possible to operate an integration hub in the IBM Cloud Code Engine PaaS in support of over 50000 Z learners.

You will also see examples of applications built with NodeJS for custom support tooling through these API services


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  • Ross Cruickshank at IBM
  • IBM Z Technical Influencer Content Lead for IBM Z XPlore

    From Z to Arduino and pretty much everything in between.  Developer advocate for integration, enterprise platforms, cloud, and trying stuff out.

    40 years in the indiustry, almost all with IBM - hardware design, embedded expert systems, unix databases, messaging integration, infrastructure management, cloud appdev and devops, Z skills - endless fun!


  • Ross Cruickshank at IBM
  • IBM Z Technical Influencer Content Lead for IBM Z XPlore

    From Z to Arduino and pretty much everything in between.  Developer advocate for integration, enterprise platforms, cloud, and trying stuff out.

    40 years in the indiustry, almost all with IBM - hardware design, embedded expert systems, unix databases, messaging integration, infrastructure management, cloud appdev and devops, Z skills - endless fun!


  • Ross Cruickshank at IBM
  • IBM Z Technical Influencer Content Lead for IBM Z XPlore

    From Z to Arduino and pretty much everything in between.  Developer advocate for integration, enterprise platforms, cloud, and trying stuff out.

    40 years in the indiustry, almost all with IBM - hardware design, embedded expert systems, unix databases, messaging integration, infrastructure management, cloud appdev and devops, Z skills - endless fun!


  • Ross Cruickshank at IBM
  • IBM Z Technical Influencer Content Lead for IBM Z XPlore

    From Z to Arduino and pretty much everything in between.  Developer advocate for integration, enterprise platforms, cloud, and trying stuff out.

    40 years in the indiustry, almost all with IBM - hardware design, embedded expert systems, unix databases, messaging integration, infrastructure management, cloud appdev and devops, Z skills - endless fun!



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