
Defending the APF, methods new & old


Stream: Virtual Room 8
Time: 15:00 - 16:00


Programs within the APF load libraries are among the most powerful programs to run on z/OS.  This session will review traditional ways to identify them, control their access, as well as how to provide stronger change detection, change management, and integrity scanning.  This session will also outline what it could mean, if needed, to quarantine them.


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  • Bryan Childs at IBM USA
  • Bryan Childs has over three decades of experience as a z/OS mainframer. He has coded primarily in the areas of RACF, Parallel Sysplex, and GRS. He served on the IBM Z Center for Secure Engineering for five years before transitioning to Product Management. He is the Product Manager for z/OS security & pervasive encryption on IBM Z.


  • Bryan Childs at IBM USA
  • Bryan Childs has over three decades of experience as a z/OS mainframer. He has coded primarily in the areas of RACF, Parallel Sysplex, and GRS. He served on the IBM Z Center for Secure Engineering for five years before transitioning to Product Management. He is the Product Manager for z/OS security & pervasive encryption on IBM Z.


  • Bryan Childs at IBM USA
  • Bryan Childs has over three decades of experience as a z/OS mainframer. He has coded primarily in the areas of RACF, Parallel Sysplex, and GRS. He served on the IBM Z Center for Secure Engineering for five years before transitioning to Product Management. He is the Product Manager for z/OS security & pervasive encryption on IBM Z.


  • Bryan Childs at IBM USA
  • Bryan Childs has over three decades of experience as a z/OS mainframer. He has coded primarily in the areas of RACF, Parallel Sysplex, and GRS. He served on the IBM Z Center for Secure Engineering for five years before transitioning to Product Management. He is the Product Manager for z/OS security & pervasive encryption on IBM Z.



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