
Advanced Trends in Authentication - Evolution of Software Defined Federated Authentication


Stream: Virtual Room 8
Time: 13:30 - 14:30


This session is intended to throw some historical perspective of how authentication has evolved over the course of time from passwords to certificates to external identity providers and what has propelled the need for this evolution. If time permits, we will also try to cover where all this is heading towards.
This is intended to broaden the understanding as well as appreciation for these systems and principles guiding them so that we all can be better security-savvy netizens to be able to comprehend how some of these are being applied in Mainframe centric solutions or elsewhere equally.

Takeaways and ""what you will learn""-type statements

I am witnessing that certificate management in Mainframe continues to be a challenge whereas Security in the Software Industry as a whole is evolving with fast pace due to the evolutionary pressure. Hence it is imperative that as Mainframers, we be able to understand how the modern security approaches are working to solve some of the security challenges and also look at it from the historical perspective to be able to see where all this is heading towards in future.
Hence this session is primarily intended to make the audiences better aware of these technologies so that they can utilize as well as manage it effectively at their end.


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  • Apurv Raj at Broadcom Mainframe Software
  • I am an Engineering Manager at Mainframe Software Division, Broadcom in Prague and have overall 20+ years of Enterprise Software Development and it ranges from distributed to Mainframe solutions in the domain of Software Internationalization and Localization, Energy and Sustainability Management, Workload Automation, Enterprise Integrations, Mainframe Observability and AIOps. This has been a remarkable journey with a lot of problem solving and learning. 

    My areas of interests are Management Innovation, Artificial General Intelligence, Peta-Scale Computing and Quantum Computing. 


  • Apurv Raj at Broadcom Mainframe Software
  • I am an Engineering Manager at Mainframe Software Division, Broadcom in Prague and have overall 20+ years of Enterprise Software Development and it ranges from distributed to Mainframe solutions in the domain of Software Internationalization and Localization, Energy and Sustainability Management, Workload Automation, Enterprise Integrations, Mainframe Observability and AIOps. This has been a remarkable journey with a lot of problem solving and learning. 

    My areas of interests are Management Innovation, Artificial General Intelligence, Peta-Scale Computing and Quantum Computing. 


  • Apurv Raj at Broadcom Mainframe Software
  • I am an Engineering Manager at Mainframe Software Division, Broadcom in Prague and have overall 20+ years of Enterprise Software Development and it ranges from distributed to Mainframe solutions in the domain of Software Internationalization and Localization, Energy and Sustainability Management, Workload Automation, Enterprise Integrations, Mainframe Observability and AIOps. This has been a remarkable journey with a lot of problem solving and learning. 

    My areas of interests are Management Innovation, Artificial General Intelligence, Peta-Scale Computing and Quantum Computing. 


  • Apurv Raj at Broadcom Mainframe Software
  • I am an Engineering Manager at Mainframe Software Division, Broadcom in Prague and have overall 20+ years of Enterprise Software Development and it ranges from distributed to Mainframe solutions in the domain of Software Internationalization and Localization, Energy and Sustainability Management, Workload Automation, Enterprise Integrations, Mainframe Observability and AIOps. This has been a remarkable journey with a lot of problem solving and learning. 

    My areas of interests are Management Innovation, Artificial General Intelligence, Peta-Scale Computing and Quantum Computing. 



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