
I/O, I/O It’s Home to Memory We (Should) Go


Stream: Virtual Room 7
Time: 16:30 - 17:30


Optimizing z/OS system and application performance today is all about having data as close to the processor as possible when it’s needed. Despite some incredibly fast I/O times today, memory is still orders of magnitude faster and (still) the only good I/O is no I/O. Keeping data in memory can not only improve application performance but reduce CPU consumption as well. Fortunately, many systems today have sufficient memory to make potentially significant improvements. But memory is not infinite so how do you find the best opportunities for improvement? In this session Scott Chapman will discuss data sources and methods to find, evaluate, and implement I/O reduction opportunities. You’re sure to leave with good ideas that will help you eliminate unnecessary I/O and improve application and system performance.


7F Attachments


  • Scott Chapman at EPS
  • Scott Chapman is the Director of Software Design and Development of Enterprise Performance Strategies, Inc. Along with Peter Enrico, Scott is the co-designer and lead developer of Pivotor®, a web-based z/OS SMF data mining, reporting, and analysis solution. Scott is an amazing z/OS performance expert, performance workshop instructor, conference presenter, and a very clever performance analyst. Scott is CMG's 2009 Mullen Award winner, a winner of SHARE best presentation award, and is currently Chairman for the Ohio Valley CMG.


  • Scott Chapman at EPS
  • Scott Chapman is the Director of Software Design and Development of Enterprise Performance Strategies, Inc. Along with Peter Enrico, Scott is the co-designer and lead developer of Pivotor®, a web-based z/OS SMF data mining, reporting, and analysis solution. Scott is an amazing z/OS performance expert, performance workshop instructor, conference presenter, and a very clever performance analyst. Scott is CMG's 2009 Mullen Award winner, a winner of SHARE best presentation award, and is currently Chairman for the Ohio Valley CMG.



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