GSE UK Virtual Conference 2025

Mainframe@60: The Diamond Anniversary of Digital Dominance

Vertali Limited

Vertali is delighted to be a Gold Sponsor for the GSE UK Conference 2024.


A global provider of IBM mainframe skills, resources, niche software and support, we work with some of the world's largest companies in finance, insurance, government, retail and utilities. Our consulting approach blends unparalleled expertise with many years’ hands-on experience in all areas of IBM Z technology

covering: z/OS; CICS; IMS; Db2; MQ; Security; Networks, Automation; etc.


We help organizations to run, optimize, and secure their mainframe environments in the most cost-effective way:


  • Large pool of IBM Z skills
  • Revealing opportunities to reduce costs and increase ROI
  • Expertise and services include:

·       Technical consulting

·       Specialist resources

·       Cyber resiliency & security (consulting, pen tests, security assessments, vulnerability scanning, niche software)

·       Project management & delivery

·       Migrations & upgrades

·       Managed Services & Extended Incident Software Support

·       Staff augmentation

·       Virtual and part-time resources

·       Bespoke software development


We are also building a team of new to mainframe (NTZ) technical resources who will be expertly educated and trained in all areas of mainframe technology.


For more information go to or email