GSE UK Virtual Conference 2025

Mainframe@60: The Diamond Anniversary of Digital Dominance

Fitz Software & Co.

Fitz Software, established in 1991, offers z/OS software users innovative and niche products at justifiable prices that benefit evolving systems with increased automation. We license and support the products from NewEra Software, Data21 Software, Astrom Software, Log-On Software, Zetaly, UBS-Hainer Software, Phoenix Software Intl, and Trident Services. Our primary products cover areas in:

Test Data Management & Database Productivity (DB2, IMS, Oracle, SQLDS, …)

Quickly and efficiently copy, refresh and replicate databases, tables, views, etc. within the same or to different DBMS systems/platforms. Data Masking/Anonymization. Reduce CPU service costs - Fastest cloning of pre-production and test DB2 sub-systems, databases and tables in 24x7 environments, Bufferpool optimization, Automated DB maintenance enhancing existing utilities, Exception Master to determine problems before they bring down any systems, …

Change, Risk, Audit, Security & Compliance Management

Change management, audit and security expansions with system integrity in z/OS, JES, VTAM, TCP/IP, CICS. RACF and IODF. Verify admin changes to Test and Production Services. Controls in place, including MFA, for ISPF and command access. Monitoring IPL status of all live, backup and under-construction systems and sub-systems.

Certificate intelligence - The convergence of RACF’s Profiles, Key Rings, and Certificates and the interconnection with ICSF and its data stores, the PKDS and TKDS;

CICLIENT summons z/OS System SSL functions on demand to validate virtual connections to server end-points (any platform) and to report findings, good or bad, in real-time.


z/OS Enhancement Software - Operations & DevOps

File encryption and archiving; test data generation and management; Naming standards and audit; DFSMShsm optimizer; Maintain error free migration, backup, recall and recovery operations; Report on, replace and manage all z/OS Exits via ISPF eliminating exit migration and complexity. Manage and improve system throughput. Route jobs and steps dynamically without user written installation exits.

Capacity Planning, Software Asset Management & z Cost Reduction

Who’s using what, when and where in the z/OS software portfolio of IBM and ISV products and inhouse applications; Provide controls to restrict MLC and ISVs to a limited footprint by job/step routing; Automated Software Capping across LPARs; Offloading audit functions; Capacity Planning. Performance Management, License Management.

More details on our website at