GSE UK Virtual Conference 2025

Mainframe@60: The Diamond Anniversary of Digital Dominance

How to use "My GSE"


How to access it.
What it looks like.
How to use BYOA, building your personal agenda.

How to access it.

Anyone who has registered to attend any GSE Conference can use “My GSE” and if you have registered for this year you will need to use it to validate your conference registration and where necessary your hotel reservation details.  It will also be the place where you will find the link to Zoom virtual session during the virtual conference - see the BYOA section below.


The first time you use “My GSE” you need to activate your account. Click on “My GSE” in the menu bar on the conference web site ( and you will see a screen where you can either activate your account or log on if you have already activated it. The activate function can also be used to reset your password if you have forgotten it; ordinary password change is elsewhere, see below.


To activate the account in the right hand part of the screen use the e-mail address you gave when you registered and then chose a password.


Once your account is activated you can log in using the left hand part of the screen.

What it looks like.

Once you are logged in you will see a second menu bar appear under the first; the bar will remain there as long as you are logged in and you can select items from either bar. Some of the options shown below will only appear once you have registetred for the current year's conference. Most of the options are self-explanatory but here is a quick run-down of them all

User Home: This has a brief welcome message and your most recent message, if any (see Messages below)

BYOA: Here you can build your own personal agenda to print or view on your smartphone or tablet. There is a longer description of this function in a separate section below.

CPE Certificates: Once the conference is over you can generate a CPE certificate to download or print at this link.

My Feedback: Here you can see all the sessions for which you have already given feedback.

We strongly encourage you to leave feedback for the session you attend, as this helps us when building the agenda for next year and also allows us to award the Best Speaker prizes.There are three ways you can give feedback for a session; -

  1. With your smartphone or tablet scan the session QR code on the presentation or room sign (outside the room by the door) which will take you to the feedback page for that session.
  2. Click the title of the session in the agenda (the full one or your personal one). This opens the detail view for the session. Scroll to the bottom and click the feedback link.
  3. Type the url into your browser; "" and the two digit session code.
  4. Use a paper form. But we'd really rather you didn't so there will be a few tablets at the reception desk where you can do 2 or 3 above! There will be a few paper forms at reception too, just in case. 

My Details: Here you can edit the personal details you gave us at registration. and you can also change your password if you wish. More importantly once you have registered for the conference you will be able to see your registration details and the hotel rooms you have reserved. Some of these can be changed directly on the page up to a week before the conference, after that you would need to e-mail if you wish to make changes. Items which might affect the cost of your registraiton cannot be changed at this time, again you would need to e-mail us if you wished to change those.
It’s a good idea to keep your details up to date as you are able to call these up when you register for the conference instead of having to retype them all.

My Speaker Profile: This item only appears if you are a speaker. Here you can edit your bio, upload a new photo, upload your presentation slides (in PDF format please). Finally you can also opt to hide your e-mail address in the agenda should you so wish.

Messages: Here all the messages relevant to your attendance will be listed in the order that they were posted. Messages can either be general messages or restricted to a specific stream or session, in which case you will only see them if you have that stream or session in your personal agenda.

Very long messages will be truncated with a “read more” indicator. Click on this to see the full message.

Logout Self-explanatory. There is no timeout but you will need to login again if you reboot your machine.

How to use BYOA, building your personal agenda.

BYOA allows you to build an agenda specifying up to three choices for each session slot. For the virtual conference the BYOA agenda item will, on the day of the session, show a link to Zoom where you will be able to join and participate in the session.

When you first enter BYOA you will see a blank agenda in display mode, showing the breaks, drinks, dinner etc. and all the session times. There is an “Edit your Agenda” button near the top which will switch you into edit mode.  In either display or edit mode there is a day selector at the top, only one day is displayed at a time.

The agenda display page allows you to view your chosen agenda nicely formatted and to print it if you wish.

There are three ways to add sessions to your agenda

  1. Simple agenda edit allows you to select a session from a drop down list of the possible sessions for that slot. If there are several sessions you might wish to attend in the same slot you can list up to three choices. You need to save your choices before going back to agenda display or changing day; a pop-up will warn you if you forget to do that.
  2. At the bottom of the edit page there is an option to add an entire stream to one of your three choices for that day. Note that if you want the whole stream across both days you will need to use this on each of the days. Note that this will overwrite anything already in that choice; there is a warning popup to remind you of this with the option not to do it.
  3. Possibly the easiest way to build your agenda is from the main agenda page. While you are logged in to My GSE you will see a Red Message when you view the agenda indicating that you can simply right click a session to add it to your agenda. When you do this it will ask you which of your three choices you want to add it to.
    If you already have something in that slot and choice it will ask you if you wish to
    • Push your old choice(s) down a level.
    • Replace your old choice
    • Quit without changing

You can jump back and forth between viewing the full agenda and your personal agenda simply by clicking the menu options.

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